Recovery 6 is our cornerstone residential placement program. This program runs approximately 42 days in length and will start as soon as the client is ready- whether that be a Tuesday or a Sunday. The client will be receiving both individual and group therapy, as well as listening to lectures, guest speakers, and participation in talking circles, yoga, meditation and many other recovery related activities. Our model allows for flexibility and personalization as clients have access to additional modules such as anger management, grief & loss, parenting in recovery, financial literacy and many more.
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Step Classes:
- Daily Recovery and Gratitude meetings
- Psycho-educational counselling and instruction on the theory, use, application and implementation of the 12 Step recovery approach to addictions recovery
- In this program clients cover ALL 12 steps
- For Indigenous or non-Indigenous clients seeking culturally relevant supports. Themes such as Unresolved grief, The Medicine Wheel and 12 Step program, The Warrior Down Program is designed to assist Indigenous peoples already in recovery, those re-entering the community after treatment for alcohol or substance abuse, mental disorders or after incarceration.
Emotional Health & Wellness Classes:
- Identifying emotions such as fear, apathy, grief, lust, pride, anger, and more
- Self-esteem foundations, distorted thinking, logic, sleep hygiene, fitness and nutrition, relaxation, expectations, core beliefs, human worth and assertiveness.
Exit Planning:
- Safety and goal planning.
- Completion of a Recovery Maintenance Action Plan
- Introduction to relapse prevention
Professional Supports:
- Onsite counselling and support services
- Individual counselling available
- Weekly therapeutic counselling by consulting clinician

Recovery 12
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Step Group Therapy:
- Discussion and instruction on the theory, use, application and implementation of the 12 Step approach to addictions recovery
- Personal Workbooks and materials supplied.
- In this program clients cover ALL 12 steps
Emotional Health & Wellness Group Therapy:
- Discussion and education identifying emotions such as fear, apathy, grief and loss, lust, pride, anger, guilt, shame, etc.
- Self-esteem foundations, distorted thinking, logic, sleep hygiene, fitness, nutrition, relaxation, expectations, core beliefs, human worth and assertiveness. Examining personal emotional and mental wellness and illness to gain understanding and insight on how this affects addictive behaviors, mental and physical health and choices.
- This program is exclusive to Prairie Sky Recovery.
- For Indigenous or non-Indigenous clients seeking culturally relevant supports
- Themes such as Unresolved grief, The Medicine Wheel and 12 Step program, The Warrior Down Program is designed to assist Indigenous peoples already in recovery, those re-entering the community after treatment for alcohol or substance abuse, mental disorders or after incarceration.
Exit Planning:
- Safety and goal action planning.
- Completion of a personal Recovery Maintenance Action Plan Guidebook (Exclusive to Prairie Sky Recovery)
- Transitional planning to support change included
- While in residence clients have the opportunity to enjoy Art Therapy, Yoga, Leisure Activities, Recreation Therapy, and our various cultural programs and seasonal activities as available.
Peer Support:
- Clients attend SMART Recovery, CODA, AA and NA Meetings
- Daily Recovery and Gratitude meetings as well as weekly counsellor lead Zoom Meetings for both clients and family members
Professional Supports:
- Individual one on one counselling, DBT, CBT, Motivational Interviewing
- Individual program planning and assessments
- Full Medical supports through our neighboring communities

Emotional Health & Wellness Program
Clients will also have guest lecturers who focus on physical wellness such as fitness and nutrition, sexual health & mindfulness. Activities such as yoga and meditation. On weekends, we will be hosting SMART Recovery & Co-dependency Anonymous.
This program is ideal for those who have lived with the fall out of an addicted loved one, a divorce, a significant loss or death or any life altering event. Clients are given the tools and time to reflect and refocus on their mental & emotional health.
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Themes Include:
- Shame and Guilt
- Grief
- Mindfulness
- Identifying emotions such as fear, apathy, lust, pride, anger, and more
- Self-esteem foundations
- Distorted thinking
- Logic
- Boundaries
- Expectations and Assumptions
- Core beliefs
- Human worth
- Assertiveness
Professional Supports:
- Onsite counselling and support services
- Individual counselling available
- Weekly therapeutic counselling with the psychologist

Family Support Program
We highly recommend, when possible, any family members that need support attend the Emotional Health & Wellness program. This 3-week intensive counselling program would help heal wounds that can be caused from addictions, codependency and resentment that can occur when being the caretaker to a sick family member. Not only would it shed insight into their own healing, but also learn similar materials to their family member that attended one of our Recovery programs- lending true understanding and a solid foundation to family recovery.